Advanced Television


Spaceport resurrects Sea Launch concept

Once upon a time there was Sea Launch, a US/Norway/Russia/Ukraine consortium that used a converted oil-rig plus a support ship, to equatorially launch rockets and their satellites from the sea and using Zenit rockets. Sea Launch operated from 1999 to 2014 and successfully launched 32 rockets, although suffered a total of three complete failures and […]

May 24, 2023

Report: IFC rebounding

Challenges created for business and leisure travellers during the pandemic are fast becoming a distant memory. A report from Constellations says that In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) is moving to “new heights”. John Peterson, Executive Director of Aviation at satellite operator Iridium, says that technological and economic changes are overcoming some of the unique challenges of in-air […]

March 3, 2023By Chris Forrester

Gogo raises 2023 guidance

Business aviation in-flight broadband company Gogo has reported record Q4 and 2022 results, and raised its guidance for 2023’s business prospects. For 2023 trading Gogo says its total revenues will be in the $440 million (€412.7m) – $455 million range. Gogo now serves 6,935 business aircraft. It reported record Q4 revenue of $108.2 million, up […]

March 1, 2023By Chris Forrester

Sichuan Airlines selects Viasat’s IFC

Sichuan Airlines, a Chinese air carrier, Viasat, the communications company, and AeroSat Link Technology, a subsidiary of China Satellite Communications (China Satcom), have announced the airline has selected Viasat’s iIn-Flight Connectivity (IFC) technology and equipment for installation on its Airbus A320 family of aircraft. When in service, the Viasat terminal installed on the aircraft will […]

December 16, 2022By Chris Forrester

Inmarsat boosted by aviation

In reporting its Q2 results, Inmarsat said that its Aviation division had shown significant growth as its client airlines emerged from the Covid challenges. Inmarsat also told analysts that its planned sale to Viasat is on track subject to UK and European regulatory approval. The combination of the two giant satellite operators should happen towards […]

August 30, 2022By Chris Forrester

Inmarsat Aviation IFC boon

Inmarsat has had a lean couple of years as a result of Covid. But its Q1 revenues show that its Aviation division is up 45 per cent (from $47.3 million [€44m] same period last year to $68.7m). Government-related business also grew nicely by 9.6 per cent (from $114.5m to $125.5m). Overall, London-based Inmarsat saw revenues […]

May 27, 2022By Chris Forrester