Advanced Television

Nick Snow

Nick Snow

Nick Snow is the founder of Advanced Television Ltd and is publisher & editor-in-chief of and Euromedia. In 1984 he worked on the debut issue of Cable & Satellite Europe, and over the years his companies have published many of the industry’s most highly regarded titles. He is also a screenwriter, producer and playwright.

Disney; it’s direct or die

Disney is the ultimate media brand and a genuine giant that is determined to be ever bigger with the takeover of 21C Fox. And many parts of the empire are still money machines. But it was a new and very small part of the group that drew some attention in the results. ESPN+ is symbolic […]

August 13, 2018

Netflix: Overhyped on the way up and down

The fact that a company with under $15 billion of forecast annual revenue and less than 10 per cent net margin can lose $25 billion of market value in a day gives some idea of how overhyped the stock was in the first place – it came close to $200 billion of value before the […]

July 17, 2018

TV UK needs a Brexit hard hat

The UK television industry – and by extension the whole digital media, tech and creative industries – need a hard hat as Brexit approaches. This is because the consequences that will rain down from a hard Brexit will be excrement of the toughest variety, polished or not. To try and avoid a hard Brexit for […]

July 10, 2018

BT: What next?

To be honest, I think the surprise isn’t that Gavin Patterson has been ousted as BT CEO, but that it didn’t happen sooner. To start with the positive: no question getting BT back in the mobile business with the EE acquisition was putting right a terrible mistake – all be it a mistake forced on […]

June 8, 2018

Netflix: High stakes all round

Netflix has posted more stunning results; growth all round – subscribers, revenue, stock price and, yes, debt. The stock market, indeed business in general, is meant to be a gamble. Netflix personifies this, and its shareholders are backing its great big bet. In the relatively Wild West that is the disrupter territory of OTT, Netflix […]

April 17, 2018

Brexit Broadcasting: May Day, May Day!

Theresa May has delivered her clarification speech setting out what she wants from Europe in Brexit negotiations. Of course, ‘clarification’ is a relative term. Compared to the oratory of obfuscation that she has made her trademark, it was relatively clear. But it still amounted to a fairly vague wish list, or, as Brussels might say, […]

March 5, 2018

Sky 1 BT 0 (and lucky to score NIL)

Unfortunately for me, I support a football team who often have the nil end of a score line and often, frankly, they play so badly they are lucky to get nil. If Sky and BT were in a pay-TV performance league there would be a lot of places between them: Sky headed for the Champions […]

February 16, 2018

Rupert’s reasons to be grumpy

You would think just making it to 86 years-old would make a man reasonably pleased. Add billions of dollars of wealth and being married to Jerry Hall and you’d think a grin would be in order. But Rupert Murdoch is all about the grimace just now. And he has some reason. The family empire he […]

January 24, 2018

Is the BBC institutionally mysoginistic?

About twenty years ago, a Judicial Inquiry following a notorious murder in south London found the police to be ‘institutionally racist.’ It was the first time an institution or organisation had been ‘found guilty’ of a behaviour that if displayed in an individual would be a crime. Mysoginism, as such, isn’t against the law, though […]

January 10, 2018

2018: Shop till you drop. And roll out the red tape

Predictions for 2018: A fool’s errand, so here goes. Everyone says that ‘the people’ have lost faith in their politicians. Who can blame them given the shower we currently have? Our own Brexiteer negotiators show a level of competence that would make you worry about leaving them alone with sharp objects. It is a terrible […]

December 21, 2017