Piracy: mixed views
December 6, 2007
Attentional has launched a UK internet panel to enable surveys to be carried out to understand the tastes and usage levels of those who access programme
content through media other than television platforms.
As part of the ongoing development of this panel, we have run a trial survey to gauge opinion towards the issue of internet piracy. How many people would
consider downloading pirated content? While 12% of respondents would definitely consider downloading pirated content, another 21% were unsure, leaving 67% who said they would not. So, nearly a third of respondents are potential downloaders of such content.
The majority of respondents believed that the best way to reduce online piracy would be to make legal content cheaper, and 72% indicated that having US content made available in the UK at the same time as its US release would also help. The survey also found that 10% of respondents class themselves as regular viewers of downloaded or streamed content from the internet, although this figure was higher among younger respondents. Younger respondents also appeared more likely to pay for download services.