Panel: Scope for SVoD uptake, but going tough
May 23, 2023
Nick Snow @ ANGA COM
An ANGA COM panel gathered senior representatives from the main SVoDs and in-country broadcasters to debate new growth in TV and video.
Christoph Schneider, Managing Director of Prime Video Germany, pointed out that as household penetration of services was lower than in most European markets, there was plenty of potential for growth.
That was as optimistic, and as detailed, as the discussion got. Paramount+ and Netflix would, variously, not reveal subscriber numbers either for subscriptions or take up of the new advertising supported service.
Matthias Dang, Co-CEO RTL Deutschland, meanwhile, was downbeat on advertising, commenting: “It is not positive because the economy is not positive,” he noted, reflecting that in tight times, companies always cut ad budgets and now all the demand is for digital, targeted ads emphasising efficiency and economy.”
In terms of content trends, ‘relevance’ was identified as the new strength, geographically and demographically. It was suggested this would see a move away from the SVoD panacea of mini-series as the priority became keeping as much as gaining customers.
This could be bad news for broadcasters as the streamers try to buy or build shiny-floor show franchises, soaps and celebrity exclusives.
For the broadcasters, Dang confirmed RTL’s media-one app was now available and had 1,500 beta users. He invited the audience to sign up.